Summer Feeling

It's here.

Summer, I mean.
It's been weird waking up in the mornings without an alarm.
It's been weird starting my morning routine and not doing my readings for class.
It's been weird not walking up to campus.

It's been weird... but it's also been good.
Scratch that, great. I'm slowly starting to transition into summer mode. Which probably means by next week, I'll be forgetting what day of the week it is. And possibly lounging around alllll day in PJ's because I can. 

But in all seriousness? Hello. Summer.

P.S. I'm graduating on Mother's Day this weekend.
I also just want to say thank you all for the sweet texts, emails, snaps, and comments from Wednesday's post. It seriously means a lot to me!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Wearing: dress: Wild Blue Denim | ball cap: ASOS | sunglasses: Ray Bans | watch: Marc Jacobs | top: old, similar here | sneakers: Adidas | 


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Thank you to Wild Blue Denim for partnering on this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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