A Personal Letter to UNC

Dear UNC...

where do I even begin?
You've consumed four years of my life. There's been ups, there's been downs. 
Actually, a lot of downs. But because of that, you've helped me grow. I've learned more about myself than I ever have. I've had my fair share of wrong people, but I've also had my fair share of right people. The friendships that I'll forever cherish and the ones I had to walk away from.
But that's not all.
You've given me opportunities.
You made me feel comfortable enough to open up about my blog freshman year.
Blogs weren't that common when I started, but as I started to publicly put myself out there, opportunities grew. More collaborations, more interviews, more features. Needless to say, it was the start of my blogging career.
I started freshman year as someone who wanted to experience everything you had to offer. I considered joining a sorority (keyword being considered), and I joined a magazine club (that I ended up serving as President for my junior year). Trekking up that hill near Hinton James (Hojo, as we refer to it) to classes was quite the workout, but made things easier when I attended basketball games at the Dean Dome, which was basically my backyard. I went out far too many times than needed, but hey, it was freshman year. 
...though, Friday morning recitations were a struggle. 
Filing that under things I may have regretted.

You've given me friendships. 
After sorta, kinda getting the hang of college life, I took on sophomore year... with the dorm life. 
Quite frankly, I don't know what I was thinking back then... really, really questionable of me.
That's when Casey (my current housemate) and I started living together, and we somehow managed to live in that box. 
We also made the most of it. 
You taught me how to deal with situations that I couldn't control.

Junior year.
We made the upgrade to a house. But with four girls... hahahahahahaha.
For those of you who don't know... living in a house full of girls. IS. HARD. Not only that, but junior year in itself was tough. Oh, I remember. This was the year I needed to find an internship... and in the place that I needed it the most. New York City. There were lots of searching, contacting, emailing, crying, not sleeping... involved in the process. But that summer, it happened. 
Sidenote: we will not be talking about the almost national championship that we lost in a matter of seconds... literally.
BUT, that's still not all.
You've blessed me with three amazing girls that I'm lucky to call my best friends: McKenzie. Casey. Kayla. We've had our fair share of issues, but hey, we're all human. As if living with four girls is easy. Hah. Our Spring Break Bahamas cruise was quite the experience. One that I'll never forget. 
You've given me a national championship win my senior year. 
As one of the biggest UNC basketball fan and supporter, that is a moment that never ever ever goes away. Just like walking past the Old Well in all four seasons. Watching the leaves change color in the fall, the snow glisten and sparkle and leave a blanket of white all over campus, and then the beautiful blooming flowers surrounding the Old Well in the spring, you can certainly say the campus never loses its charm.

There's been the memories. 8 FDOCS. 8 LDOCS. 
Okay, 7... because of that one year Casey and I decided polishing off a bottle of champagne at 9 AM was a grand idea. Word of advice: pace yourself.

Halloween on Franklin Street. Oh how I'm going to miss that one. Just imagine your favorite street packed with interesting costumes and surrounded by all your fellow classmates and friends. It's a night to remember, that's for sure. 

Which now concludes me to this. The final moments.
Those moments where you realize you're no longer going to sit in Carroll 143 listening to a lecture, or watch your fellow classmates sitting out in the quad in front of Wilson Library, go to Pint Night at He's Not on Wednesdays, Throwback nights on Thursdays at TOPO, or hear the Bell Tower chime at noon. 
It's the moments you've been dreading, but at the same time anticipating for so long. 
But it's finally time.

So, as I trip once more on the campus bricks, the ones by the Union that really need to be fixed, and pass by the construction that never ever seems to end, I'll make one of my final walks through this beautiful campus as an undergrad. 
There will be no more sitting on the quad in between classes, or dying in Davis Library because of finals (thank God), or giving the barista my most complicated coffee order at what used to be the Daily Grind coffee shop at the Pit. 
Instead, I'll be starting the next chapter of my life. 
And though, that is another story in itself and I believe God's timing is perfect, I want to take the time to appreciate everything UNC has given me.
Friends, education, the learning experience of a lifetime. And better yet, another family.
Thank you for an incredible four years, UNC.
a Tar Heel born, a Tar Heel bred

Wearing: dress: ASOS | earrings: Baublebar | shoes: LuLu*s (old) similar here + here |


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