Extreme Bedroom Makeover: Grace Edition
Weekends are always marked with a clear ending to yet another unexpected and unforeseen week. I always aspire for change and reflect back on something that I can do better the next week that I haven't achieved the week before. I know I mentioned a couple of posts ago, that I was dedicating most of my Labor Day weekend to a room makeover and buying my brand new car. I also remember promising pictures, no? Sometimes, I like to ponder back through my old posts in the earlier years of blogging and re-read over my write-ups for inspiring words. I came across a few of my old posts on my bedroom before the change. {here and here}. I have to admit, the change-up and buying process took forever, but in the end...it was all worth it.
Enjoy ladies and gents.
Magazines in a clutter. In the middle of my floor.
Parts of my old bedroom.
Jewelry box that I bought last weekend that holds all my jewelry in neat and organized mini-dressers. It screams neat and orderly.
My absolute favorite part was constructing this picture memo board with pictures to fill up with memories of friends and family and is just another reason for decoration.
I had my dad paint it gold to showcase how much I adore the color...even when it's not in jewelry.
Audrey's an essential. I didn't think I had to explain that one.
Every girl needs a little something to prove that they truly own what they have. In my case? It's this letter. And if you stare closely, I'm pretty sure it reads: Grace's Room. Beware.
...Soo. How many of you guys actually stared?
Have a fab weekend!