Quick Time

The thought of knowing that Thanksgiving is right around the corner makes me want to just stop everything that I am doing, freeze and soak in what's left of this year. I am still in utter shock that one month from now, it'll be Christmas. The greatest time of the year. 
I took these pictures last week when the weather actually felt like fall. This week...it feels like summer and I am rather perplexed by the bipolar weather Fayetteville witnesses every once in a while. School today was atrocious. I might as well shown up in a tank top and flip-flops, that way we could all just lay back in our desks and tan from the scorching sun pouring in from the windows at school. Well okay, extremely exaggerated that. But the fact that it was 81° was not an exaggeration.
 This beautiful raincoat was bought in London a while back. I adore it. Even though it's not mine. It's my mom's if you remember here. I tried something new for a change and belted it in a unique sort of way and embraced the chilly Sunday afternoon.
 Still rockin' the ombre nails.


Extreme Bedroom Makeover: Grace Edition


AHA Designs