AM Rush

It's funny how things don't always go the way you plan, but whatever the outcome, you make it work. Quite similar to a morning like mine. I had no intention of wearing a dress nor tights at all. In fact, I was all set for wearing a chambray long-sleeve button-down with pants, but that's a different blog post. My point is, I had intended on wearing those things only to find that neither of those things were in my closet! So what does one do to find a outfit that doesn't scream bum or I was too lazy this morning in a matter of minutes?
The only important thing you probably learned from this story was, that within those minutes of desperation, flinging of closet doors, scarves thrown one way or another... I finally settled for something with the snap of my fingers. And I was much rather impressed to hear compliments throughout the day on my attire even though I hardly even glanced at what I was wearing until...well, later.
 Typical every day morning: Grab...and go.
For any guys reading this, a wardrobe is an important part of a woman's life. Ladies, I know there's no argument there.
Statement nails. My specialty.




Extreme Bedroom Makeover: Grace Edition