Defining What It Means To Be A Successful Woman


One of the biggest pieces of advice my mom gave me growing up was, “stay connected to those who share the same faith, drive, and love as you.”

And to this day, she’s constantly reminding me to ‘stay connected.’ Now, as I’m living by myself in one of the greatest cities in the world — New York City — I find it rather interesting that in a place where everything is connected — subway lines, streets, even the buzzer from my apartment to the apartment lobby — there is a lot of disconnect around me. I’ve found that in my three years of living in New York City (starting my fourth at the end of this summer), I’ve come across different types of people ranging from compassionate hearts to a shocking amount of ignorance and rudeness that to this day, still shocks me. The point is, one could assume that those living in New York City are all open-minded because people from all over the world with unique personalities and talents come in pursuit of living the NYC dream life. Not entirely true.

If you’ve seen what’s been happening in the news, there’s a lot of disconnect… not just in New York City, but everywhere. There’s disconnect in the way people view racism. There’s disconnect in the way people view Asian Americans. There’s disconnect…

If you’ve seen what’s been happening in the news, there’s a lot of disconnect… not just in New York City, but everywhere.

There’s disconnect in the way people view racism. There’s disconnect in the way people view Asian Americans. There’s disconnect in the way people view African Americans. There’s disconnect in the way people view minorities. There’s disconnect in the way people view respect. There’s disconnect in the way people think. I could really go on and on for hours here.

The past few weeks, even months, might have amplified the disconnect in our world today, but when I think of what it means to be a successful WOMAN in today’s world, I think of the word ‘connection.’ I think of how a successful woman in this day and…

The past few weeks, even months, might have amplified the disconnect in our world today, but when I think of what it means to be a successful WOMAN in today’s world, I think of the word ‘connection.’ I think of how a successful woman in this day and age has to have the understanding and mindset of how to CONNECT with others in a world of disconnect. Not only does that require patience, but it requires a level of thinking that goes deeper than just surface-level.

It requires a level of self-worth and self-respect connecting with those who devalue you. Belittle you. Tell you you’re inspiring to your face, but then talk BS behind your back.

It’s International Women’s Month and I’m proud to be a woman — no, an Asian-American woman paving her way in the world of social media in New York City. Social media aka the internet can be a hateful and cruel place, but I’m grateful for the community I can be a part of and the wonderful, talented, kind and compassionate people I’ve been able to connect with.



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