6 Things To Do For Mother's Day That Don't Break The Bank


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Just because we're in quarantine doesn't mean you have to sacrifice quality gifts on Mother's Day.

Mother's Day certainly feels different this year.

And not just because of the pandemic, but because Mother's Day has typically been spent virtually for me, the past couple of years. I was always in New York City and my family was spread out in different parts of North and South Carolina. 

However, this year, we had to quarantine together for the past two months now, and I feel grateful more than ever to be spending it all together.

I know that some of us don't have that ability to be with their Moms. Some of us are still fighting on the frontlines to treat those with the virus. Some of us are quarantined in apartments and homes far away from home, in order to not risk infecting their families and parents. Some of us have lost a parent and this holiday makes it especially hard for to cope. 

We have our reasons. This day hits a lot of us differently.  It didn't feel right to put together a list of materialistic items to buy for my Mom. 

Even though there are plenty of things that she would want or even need. There are people really struggling out there -- with no income, no job, no food, and I wanted to remind everyone to treasure the quality time that is spent more than the quantity of items to give. 

I wanted to share a list of 6 things you can do for Mother's Day this year that don't break the bank and focus on the moments that you'll treasure forever.


1. Breakfast in bed

This used to be a tradition for us in the Lee household before my siblings and I left the house. 

Since we are all quarantined together, I thought it was a great idea to bring back our old tradition  and surprise my Mom for breakfast. 

Here are a few ideas:

keto blueberry muffins // apparently, this is the best-ever banana bread -- and it has its reasons... // banana pancakes // easy frittata // egg, avocado, and cheddar homemade hot pockets

2. Bake a cake / dessert

I hope my Mom doesn't see this blog post, because we are planning to bake a cake for her this Sunday. The rest of us are trying to figure out the best plan to keep her out of the kitchen at all costs.

Here are a few ideas: 

tiramisu cake // angel food cake // lemon blueberry cake // strawberry shortcake cheesecake // carrot cake bread // matcha cake // raspberry cream cheese coffee cake

3. Movie marathon 

My family has always been movie fanatics. We used to do Friday Movie Nights back in the day, and this Sunday, we're planning to enjoy a movie together. 

If you're not able to enjoy it together in person, you can always go virtual with the Netflix Party option where you can watch a movie together and share a party URL with your family.

4. At-home manis or pedis

Nail salons aren't an option right now, but who said you can't achieve perfect nails in quarantine?

You can find these or these or these at a drug store near you. They're under $10 and come in different colors.

Give your mom the perfect mani (kit).

5. At-home facials / massages

My mom loves essential oils. She's always reaching for mine when I'm home because I carry these oils with me whenever I travel. Give your Mom the proper massage and facial that she *actually* needs. 

Here are the oils I've been using lately... 

one // two // three

6. Go through old family photo albums or photos/videos on a phone

Talk about your favorite travel trips together, any funny memories, and go through all the family photo albums. If you don't have a photo album, you can always look through phones or pull them up on the big screen through Google Photos, etc. 

If you're virtual, do a Zoom or FaceTime call.

What are you planning to do for Mother's Day this year?

Do you have any other creative ideas for Mother's Day? I'd love to hear them!

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