5 Things I'm Doing This Weekend

Here's what I have in mind for this weekend...

This entire week, I've been on a challenge kick. 
I've dealt with situations where I felt like I needed to make some decisions -- whether it was on the spot or some sort of deep thinking was involved (which took more time than expected) -- this week has felt like the longest yet.

Sidenote: If you know me pretty well, then you've probably heard me say the line 'I never know what day of the week it is.' And frankly, I usually don't. It's kind of sad, but I sometimes figure that out whenever I go on Instagram and someone mentions the day of the week. Lol.

Anyway... I'm excited it's finally the weekend because I'll be attending the NYC music festival Panorama here on Randall's Island. I've never been to an actual music festival, so I'm feeling various things -- it's a mix of nervousness / excitement. 
I just know it'll be an unbelievable experience, regardless

On the topic of weekend... I wanted to challenge myself to do FIVE THINGS this weekend.
That way, when I see this post, I can hold myself accountable and feel accomplished with checking off my weekend to-do list.

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#1: Toss out jewelry / accessories that I don't ever wear.
Because honestly? I need to. I feel like a lot of my accessories and jewelry pieces clutter up my apartment, and a sweep is much needed. Eliminating clutter in general, has an oddly satisfying notion to it. This is happening.

#2: Play tennis this weekend.
Tennis is honestly one of my favorite sports to play. It's been a while since I've picked up the racquet. Not only is it a full-body workout, but I love having the opportunity to better myself with my form and technique every time I play. Since we've been experiencing rainy weather all week, I'm happy to see sun on the forecast this weekend. I'll take any chance to be active outdoors... even if it's just for a day or two.

#3: Call my family.
I know this one is like... 'Uh Grace... how does that even count?' but the honest truth is... I've been so busy and occupied that I haven't had a chance to sit down, give them a call, and catch up with my family. My family and I are very close, and since this weekend is pretty much a relaxing one, I want to take the time to see how they're doing. 

#4: Start a new book.
I used to love reading books one after the other... until I moved to New York City. Just kidding.
But one thing is for certain: this fast-paced lifestyle has definitely kept me on my toes. I feel like I haven't been able to read as much as I used to back in North Carolina... and I kind of miss it. I want to get back into reading, so if you have any book suggestions... send them my way!

#5: Start a new nighttime skincare routine.
Sometimes, I get questions about my skincare from people, and that usually takes me by surprise. Mainly because I don't really have one. I'm fortunate enough to have good skin, and I rarely ever get acne on my face. However, I did receive a couple of new skincare products that I want to try, so hopefully it'll be a good routine to get going. 

Maybe you can challenge yourself in your own way to accomplish FIVE THINGS this weekend too. 
What would be on your list?

Wearing: sheer top ℅ | hat ℅ tote  | wedgesearrings ℅ (only $13!) | skort (old, but similar here) | David Yurman ring | watch ℅ |  Celine sunglasses (similar here) | 


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Thank you to & Other Stories for partnering on this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Life Update: Here's What's Been On My Mind...


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