I Louvre You, Paris

Postcards from Paris.

I know my timing is a little all over the place, so bear with me.
I flew home to NYC from Paris, had just a couple of days to recover from jet-lag before flying out to San Francisco, and then flying back to NYC. 

Long story short: I still have photos from Paris that I have yet to share.

I feel like this year already has been the year of crossing things off my bucket list.

Paris (with the most amazing opportunity with EF ILC), the Louvre, Palais-Royal, the Eiffel Tower sparkling every night... I can recall several 'pinch me' moments where I felt like I was living in a dream. 
Not only that, but I crossed San Francisco off my list too. I'll be sharing my travel guide sometime this week, so stay tuned!

The Louvre was incredible. The day I went, it was sprinkling a little, but that didn't stop me from exploring the grounds. 


You know that moment when you finally see a place you've dreamt of visiting in person for the first time? That's how I felt about Palais-Royal. I had to just pause for some time to take it all in. 

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