Friday Feel(d)s

After spending a week at home catching up on emails, having a morning routine, and taking a break from my travels... it's safe to say that I'm slowly and surely getting back to normalcy. 

And I think we all need to take a step back once in a while to... hit that 'refresh' button.
And by that, I don't mean swiping down on the screen of your iPhone of your Instagram feed.
Nor do I mean continuously hitting that home button on Twitter.
What I mean, is...

1. Spending lots of time with yourself. Even as a social butterfly, I look forward to me time. I think we all need to learn how to be alone before being with other people.
2. Reminding yourself of your future goals and aspirations. What is your purpose in life? What are you doing to achieve it?
3. Relaxing. Taking time away from your laptop or your phone, going on more meaningful morning runs, treating yourself to summer sales (aka retail therapy). Whatever your form of relaxation may be. 
4. Never ever ever ever give up. Refresh doesn't mean quit. There's a huge difference between starting over and not starting at all. If there's something that's troubling you, frustrating you, or driving you to the point where you want to give up... don't. 
Because if there's one thing I want to emphasize, it's this.

God doesn't put you through hardships if he doesn't think you can handle it.

Hope you are all have a great weekend!
Thanks for reading :)
What are some of your favorite ways to motivate yourself?

Wearing: dress: Red Dress Boutique (under $50!) | hat: old, similar here + here | watch: Marc Jacobs | shoes:  Fab'rik (sold out but similar here + here) | sunglasses: Karen Walker | earrings: Charlotte's (located in Raleigh! Love these options they have in store and online here - also, similar here + here) |


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