All the Buzz

Do you ever just look at certain photos and it brings back the memories of when you were there... in that place with a certain someone?

This shoot sure does.
It was my sister's idea to drive to Raleigh to visit the sunflower fields. She's always been more of the 'artsy' one, and I knew this little road trip would be a good idea. Good photos = happy Grace. Haha. We got dressed, got on the road, and arrived at the sunflower fields. Turns out, we had to "sneak" in over the white fence in order to get to the fields. And then, despite the bottom hem of my dress already trampled in dirt and grass, there were bees. Everywhere. I wish some of you had seen the outtakes because I'm trying to keep my cool in most of them while at the same time, praying to God that the bees that were three inches away from my face wouldn't sting me. 

But I promise there's a reason behind all of this.
While typing up today's blog post, the memories came flooding in.
And instead of smiling, I realized I was sad.

I miss my sister.
My sister Rebecca finally moved out to her new home a few days ago, and I guess it hadn't really hit me that she was actually leaving. I know I don't talk about my sister as much because I try not to post too much about my personal life, but truth is, she's my best friend. We talk about nearly everything, and I guess I was so used to having her there that I forgot what it was like without her. During college, I was blessed enough to live thirty minutes away from her so that we could constantly see each other.

I realized I was being selfish. I didn't want her to leave. I didn't want anything to change.
But there comes a time when you just have to let people go. 
Not for yourself, but for them.

Yes, I was being selfish for wanting her to stay, when really she deserved to be moving on to better things in her life. For someone as hardworking, strong, dependable, and loyal, I really don't know anyone else who deserves this as much as her.

So thank you Rebecca, for being there and never giving up on me.
And for taking the most incredible blog photos.

^ there were so many bugs surrounding me, hence the scratch marks on my arm. LOL.

Wearing: dress: The Impeccable Pig | hat: old, similar here | earrings: ℅ Kendra Scott | watch: Marc Jacobs | bracelets: ℅ Kendra Scott | sunglasses: Celine | bandana: old, similar here (now 50% OFF) | lipgloss: Ulta in 'Iris' (if you're looking for a gloss and a bold red lip, I highly recommend this one. It's one of my favorite lipglosses that I wear on the regular) | 


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