5 iPhone Apps I Use Every Day

Let's be real. We all use our phones on a daily basis.

Whether it's scrolling through social media, checking emails, editing photos, or scrolling through more social media, it's a constant cycle of our eyes basically never leaving the screen. 
However, to avoid spending more time on my phone than needed, I use certain apps to make my life easier.

Scroll down to see the 5 APPS (besides social media) that I use on a daily basis. 

Disclaimer: none of these apps are sponsored. I just really love using these!

1. Planoly

This is one of my favorite apps because it's a visual planner and scheduler for Instagram, which I use to to organize my Instagram feed. With this, I use the drop and drag feature to plan out which photos I'm going to use next. P.S. you can even schedule your Instagram Stories... game changer.

2. Snapseed

This qualifies under the photo-editing apps, but I seriously love Snapseed. 
Two things I always use in this app are 1) white balance and 2) details. There's nothing that bothers me more about a photo that is too warm or a photo that isn't sharp. 

3. Hootsuite

I mainly use Hootsuite to plan out my Twitter posts on days where I have a new blog post up.
I've used Hootsuite throughout college because it's hard having to constantly interrupt my work or time in lecture to tweet about my new post being up. Hootsuite allows me to schedule my social posts ahead of time and saves me the trouble of having to go on Twitter every time to manually tweet.

4. Health

Okay, this app is already on our iPhones, but I literally check the 'Activity' tab in this app to see how many steps and miles I walk daily. It's been a habit of mine, and it's also good to keep in mind how active you are throughout the day.

5. LIKEtoKNOW.it

For those who follow me on Instagram or Snapchat, you've probably seen me talk about LIKEtoKNOW.it nonstop. The reason I talk about screenshotting or 'liking' the photo is because it makes it easier for you guys to shop the items directly. Once you screenshot or "like" the photo, go to the LIKEtoKNOW.it app and the photos will appear on your feed. I use this app to make sure my photos are linked properly, and even to discover new content from other users for inspiration.

Even though I said I would share 5 apps, I wanted to throw in another one that I love.
I don't use it on a daily basis, but I do it every time I travel. I have a few trips planned this summer, and this app (TripIt) is the best for staying organized and on track. It organizes all your trips for you, including your flight seat, which terminal you'll arrive in, etc.

What are some apps you use on a daily basis?
Have any interesting ones you can't live without? I'd love to hear your favorites in the comments below :)

Wearing: romper: Impressions Boutique (one of my favorite online boutiques!) | shoes: Steve Madden (only $59 + free shipping!) | earrings: Baublebar (my favorite earrings as of late) | sunglasses: Karen Walker | watch: Marc Jacobs | 


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