Bahamas Cruise Round-Up

Hashtag Spring Break.

If you've been following me on Snapchat or Instagram these past few days, then you've probably seen that I've been away at the Bahamas for a couple of days. My housemates and I wanted to cruise our way through Spring Break our senior year. Pun intended. Except on a couple of the days, I did have some nauseating experiences on the ship thanks to strong winds and inconvenient weather.

Nonetheless, I've decided to A) come back to blogging (thanks midterm hell week and Spring Break) and B) round-up my travel photos from the Bahamas in today's post.

Scroll down for more...

P.S. I'll be doing a Spring Break Part II: Charleston Round-Up post sometime next week!

DAY 1: Charleston
{ leaving for the cruise // here }
{ the view from the Charleston port }
{ not even 5 hours on the cruise ship and I caved for a coconut mojito... typical // here }

Day 2: At Sea
{ morning view on the way to the pool deck }
{ soaking up the sun }
{ swimsuit top here }
{ enjoying the sun with my housemate Kayla // here }
{ love this book. SUCH a great, motivational read // here }
{ first sunset }

Day 3: Half Moon Cay, Bahamas
{ morning views }
{ Half Moon Cay }
{ the water was beautiful // here }
{ enjoying the water with my housemates }
{ this look is coming soon... }
{ no shame in my coconut mojito game }
{ the prettiest palms }
{ here }
{ girls night out }
{ sunset shooting // here }
{ strolling on the deck // here }
here }
{ elegant dinner with the housemates }

Day 4: Freeport, Bahamas
{ finally crossing snorkeling off my bucket list // here }
{ view at Paradise Cove, where we snorkeled }
{ shoes of the day... LOL }

Day 5: Charleston
{ one more drink....} 
{ this was the fitness center on the cruise ship. I happened to run on the treadmill while the boat was rocky, so it wasn't the best experience either. }
What a trip...

until next time.
{ hat here }

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