NYFW Archer Hotel Recap

Riiise and shine.
You're about to get a full recap on my adventures at New York Fashion Week with Archer Hotel...

If you've been keeping up with me on any of my social channels, then you probably know that I was in NYC for New York Fashion Week this past weekend. 
My flight on Thursday ended up getting cancelled due to the blizzard, so I booked a last minute flight to Philadelphia and took the train up to NYC. I arrived at Penn Station and walked out into the street and saw snow. everywhere. It was an absolute miserable experience trying to get my huge suitcase through the snowstorm, but the day turned out into quite an adventure...

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I was swooning over Archer Hotel's bathroom. The lights are automatic when you walk in (so convenient), and you can say I took full advantage of the complimentary robe.
I got access to viewing the Spyglass Rooftop Bar before its opening that night. 
 A view of the Empire State Building while drinking at the bar?
It honestly doesn't get any better than that. 
I headed down to Wall Street for a couple of meetings... and didn't bring a coat. Not my finest hour.
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I checked back to the hotel around sunset and captured this shot from my hotel room window. 
If you plan on staying at Archer Hotel, I recommend the double double Empire State Building view room. The view really doesn't disappoint.
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I then headed to Soho to celebrate Rebecca Minkoff's after party.
I loved finally reuniting with one of my oldest friends, Lonnie

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I ordered room service for breakfast before heading to my first show of the day.
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I loved all the sequins, velvet and leather at the Hakan Akkaya presentation.
I had a break between shows and meetings, so I decided to walk around until my next meeting.
Madison Square Park was an absolute dream.
I had a showroom meeting at BaubleBar and ran into Vanessa of The Cheeky Been.
I love running into familiar faces while traveling. It makes the trips always worth it.
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Natalie arrived at the hotel, and we took a trip up to the Spyglass Rooftop Bar to see the night view of the Empire State Building. 

Natalie and I ordered breakfast while getting prepped for morning shows. 
The granola and fruit parfait was my favorite, and each hotel room provides a complimentary Nepresso machine that we took full advantage of.
Visiting the E! set while waiting for our Tresemmé hair appointment.
I went with the Dutch braid hairstyle. 
Tresemmé absolutely killed it.

Natalie and I headed to Chelsea Piers for our first show of the day and ran into Evelina, one of my favorite YouTubers. I love her fun, quirky personality on her Snapchat and videos, so it was really nice getting to talk to her in person. 
We went backstage at Denibi and got to see the hairstyling and wardrobe prep before the show.
The venue for the Denibi show was one of my favorites.
The lighting really made it perfect for photo opps. 
The opener look. I loved the velvet sleeve details and the color contrast.
Incredible shades of blue and structured details at the Denibi show.
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After the show, we took blog photos right by the Pier.
A midday nap was much needed.
A quick change for dinner and drinks for my friend Lonnie's birthday.
via Snapchat }
The hotel was really close to Bryant Park, so we decided to walk to dinner.
Ending the night with my favorite person. 

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A quick morning view before heading to shows.
A quick selfie before a morning shoot.
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The Flatiron District was where I spent most of my past summer interning, so this was a pretty nostalgic moment.
Natalie and I took some photos with Some Shelly Photography in the Flatiron District.
It started drizzling during our shoot, so we booked it to Starbucks afterwards to warm up with coffee.
Blog photos in the winter are NO JOKE.
Waiting for the Marcel Ostertag show.
This maxi dress was such a dream. 
Some of my favorite looks from the show.
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We headed back to Archer to gather our belongings and capture some last shots of the hotel.
My view from the flight.
Raleigh bound.
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All in all, NYFW was an incredible experience. 
I loved being back and taking on NYC with the best travel partner / friend by my side. Natalie and I were so excited about this trip for months and months, and to finally be able to experience it in person was surreal. Thank you Archer Hotel for the wonderful opportunity and hospitality. I felt like the luckiest girl to wake up to such an incredible view of the Empire State Building. 

I'll see you soon, NYC.

Stay tuned for all my outfit posts coming next week!
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NYFW Look 1


Spring Break Packing Guide