My Thoughts on NYFW

Dreams don't work unless you do.
Today, I'm finally sharing my story about New York Fashion Week...

Four years ago, sitting in my dorm room freshman year, I remember watching my first New York Fashion Week show online through the livestream. Year after year, I would hope and pray that one day I would make it up there to see the shows live in person. And every year, I convinced myself that after graduation, it would happen. 

And it was just last year, which was my junior year, where I finally put my foot down and promised myself that I would be attending NYFW my senior year. The FOMO was REAL.
But not just that. It's the fact that once I put my mind to something, I do it. It's the power of motivation, the power of wanting something badly enough that you'd do anything for it.

Which is what I did. 
After long months of preparation and planning with my best friend, Natalie and I are NYFW BOUND. The best part of having a best friend in the same influencer industry as you is that you can work together to create content for both your audiences. I know a lot of you already know Natalie from my social media, so we're really excited to create tons of content for you guys with Archer Hotel New York. Be sure to follow along on their Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for lots of NYC food, events, and fun.

For those of you still in college or have been dreaming of attending NYFW, I know how it feels. 
But don't ever give up your goals and aspirations just because the timing isn't right.
Keep working for it because hard work really does pay off.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat for all the fun NYFW behind-the-scenes coverage this week!

And if you're planning on attending NYFW, let me know!

images via Archer Hotel

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