5-Day Detox Juice Cleanse: part 1

I've always been a sucker for green smoothies and healthy drinks.
Since I'll be heading to the beach this weekend, I figured this would be the perfect week to start a 5-day detox juice cleanse. The reason also being that I love maintaining a healthy lifestyle with exercise and healthy eats. With that being said, I've been wanting to try a juice detox cleanse for quite some time and just haven't put the effort into committing on a plan. I decided to try the Free Reboot Plans (5 Days) from Reboot with Joe. There's a lot of juice recipes to choose from! 

Why cleanse? Not only does it remove the bad toxins from your body, it floods your system with vitamins, minerals that allows your body to stay strong. The feeling of being clean is always a good one.
If you don't feel like going the whole 5 days, you can also check out the 3 day juice cleanse here

Side note: 
I'm currently working a summer job daily for about 9-10 hours and it's also the type of job that requires a lot of energy. I started day one hoping that I could manage drinking only juices throughout the day and have the energy to work, but I felt like I was about to pass out on day two. Therefore, I had to improvise a little and eat a little for lunch. (But it's still whole foods such as fruit and veggies!)

{ from my instagram here }


Makes 2 servings

Nutrition per serving: 188 kCal; 786 kJ; 2 g protein; 44 g carbohydrates; 
1 g fat; 0 g saturated fat; 3 g fiber; 29 g sugar; 58 mg salt

4 apples
4 carrots
2 lemons


 Drink 16 oz (500 ml) coconut water 

I'll be posting pics of my lunch and dinner juices tomorrow.

Feel free to try out the detox cleanse as well! Let me know how it goes!
You can always shoot me an email (gracefulleemadeblog@gmail.com) or leave a comment - I'd love to hear what you think!

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5-Day Detox Juice Cleanse: part 2


3 Stripes You're Out