Princeton Model Congress: Part 1

 This past weekend, I spent my time in D.C. at Princeton Model Congress where high schools from all over the U.S. were offered the opportunity to simulate the experience of serving in Congress, covering various topics of our nation, passing bills, and meeting new people. The hotel that held the conference was right down the street from Capitol Hill. My AP Government & Politics class took a trip to the White House, Library of Congress, Capitol Hill, and Chinatown on our free time. Engaging in this beautiful city made me realize just how much I adore D.C. and the exquisite attractions it has to offer. I spent my mornings at the Starbucks cafe located inside the Hyatt Hotel before committee conferences started. All in all, it was truly a surreal experience for me. It felt almost like a sneak preview of my college life starting up next fall.

{Part 2 will be uploaded soon!}
 Wearing: gifted trenchcoat, New York & Co. button-down, F21 heels, pearl necklace c/o Francesca's

Giving Thanks


Put a Sock in It