Giving Thanks

Sometimes, when life throws you a curveball, it's best to take a deep breath and...relax. I am always busy whether it's school-related, home-related or blog-related. Which is why I thought it was a pleasant idea to jot down a list of a few things like I did in this post, and be thankful for what I have. 
Thanksgiving is tomorrow, after all.
Last year's Thanksgiving posts:
{ here :: here :: here }

1. When I buy a pair of shoes that I've always wanted for a less expensive price.
2. When I only have two days of school this week.
3.When I do well on a test that I worked so hard for.
4. When I purchase a sequin collared Vera Wang holiday dress.
5. When I get to go to D.C. for Thanksgiving.
6. When I get to spend Thanksgiving with my family.
7. When I win Best Dressed for my senior superlative.

P.S. My Princeton Model Congress: Part 2 will be my next stay tuned!
 {follow me on instagram: @grace_lee95}

What are you thankful for this year?

Princeton Model Congress: Part 2


Princeton Model Congress: Part 1