Perfect Timing

My past week was all about 'perfect timing'. Well, most of it was, at least. From free bus rides to sunny weather (it was supposed to rain) to sales at Southpoint... "perfect" is most likely an understatement. There was some confusion mishap in between when we "missed" our bus and had to wait almost an hour at Southpoint. Never again. Despite my sore legs from walking everywhere, cooking dinner with my sister, indulging on frozen yogurt, tanning at the pool, and meeting new people, I honestly cannot wait to head back to Chapel Hill next Sunday for a whole another week.
I thought it best if I just summarized my Chapel Hill experience through pictures:
 {decisions, decisions}
 {suitcase #1}
 {cute summer-y sandals for the hot season}
 {Grabbed a chai latte and a macaroon before heading to Southpoint}
 {this fountain was such a beauty}
 {beautiful little restaurant-- Maggiano's Little Italy}
 {We practically spent hours in here admiring the appealing clothing}
 Man: "Are you girls twins?"
Me: "No, why does everyone say that?!"
Man: "Well you both are just gorgeous!"
Aw, so sweet.
 {Urban Outfitters}
 {I admire the Cheesecake Factory for their superb taste in architecture}
 {Carpet testing in Crate & Barrel}
 {Wilson library in Chapel Hill}
 {My sister pointed out the lamp posts and tree symmetry on campus. Was deeply admired.}
 {My beautiful sister}
 {Wearing: AE white tank, F21 belt, F21 skirt}
{Relaxed at the pool for a countless amount of hours. I forgot to put on sunscreen so it's no wonder I look like a lobster... unfortunate, I know.}

Waking up at 4 a.m. to leave for camp in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! I'll be back on June 25th.
Have a great week everyone.

M-Fuge in Philly


Caked with Sweetness