Caked with Sweetness

{Father's Day cake--last year}
I've always had the fondest Father's Day memories. Despite the fact that each one always ended with a family movie, a yummy cake, and a sparkling Welch bottle for the finishing touch. Well this year will be different. I mentioned {here} that my dad was well on his way to Tokyo, following up a week long business trip to Germany. After all, what's Father's Day without a father to celebrate with? This Father's Day will be spent packing for M-Fuge, a week-long summer camp in Philadelphia. I leave Monday morning at 4 a.m. and return June 25th, which also means no updating for another week. It's quite the dilemma that...
1) I won't have my laptop with me 
2) I'll be too busy for any blogging but even if I did... {please note #1}
I  have a lot of ideas for new posts for when I return. I apologize for not updating as often as I usually do. Summer has really gotten the best of me.
Happy Father's Day! Xx


Perfect Timing


All Day and All White