Couture Yourself

{Juicy Couture purse, Sally Hansen nail polish}

I have a thing for yellow and blue color combinations. There's something so intriguing about mixing colors such as a bold blue with a light and easy color like yellow.
Yesterday was such a productive day. I spent half of it outside on the Chapel Hill campus, walking on Franklin for free Sugarland cupcakes (which I must admit were absolutely delicious! I went with the Banana Nutella cupcake #justsayin), studied at the library until lunch, dined at Lenoir's (best salad ever), and then headed for the Ram's Head Rec Center and worked out for an hour. Not gonna lie, if I could relive this day I would do it the same.

Tell me readers, how did your spend your day?


D.C. Bound


Prada N' Plaid