Keep Calm and Stay Classy

I felt very aroused to post 25 facts about me simply dedicated to those who stop by my blog and never fail to leave blissful comments that make my day :) Your comments mean a lot to me, thank you so sooo much! Leave a comment and I'll be sure to check your blog!

25 Things About Me:
1. When I was in preschool, I bit a classmate's cheek. Not her finger, not her arm, but her cheek. My teacher called my mom and the girl went home crying. My mom never lets that story down. Not one bit.
2. One of my favorite things about winter is the arrival of the seasonal classics in Starbucks such as eggnog latte, peppermint mocha, pumpkin spiced latte, and gingerbread latte. To me, it marks the official start of the winter season.
3. When I was little, I preferred cars and trains over Barbies and Bratz. Yes, I was into boy toys.
4. People have asked me several times, but I am still unsure of what I want to be when I grow up. My answers change from stylist to magazine editor to some-sort-of-designer to I-honestly-do-not-know-yet-so-quit-asking-me.
5. I was born in Port Lavaca, Texas. But I hate the south. Oh, the irony.
6. I wish a guy would make me mixed CDs with a playlist of my favorite songs. (like they do in the movies..hehe)
7. I adore the smell of fresh Cinnabon with icing oozing down the side.
8. I used up my mom's car battery by listening to the radio without the engine on. My dad came to the rescue and jump-started it. Oops?
9. I do not drink anything other than water or sometimes, milk. <-- that is, when my mom makes me!
10. I was the fastest typer in my class in 5th grade. As soon as we entered the computer lab, I was always done typing out our spelling list before anyone could start. I loved computer lab days because of it.
11. I prefer home-made over store-bought.
12. When I was little, my favorite stuffed animal wasn't even stuffed. It was a pink hippo with a droopy face and it wore the same blue dress {the same blue dress I wore when I was little}.
13. I used to wear ribbons in my hair to all my soccer games and used the same "I wear it to hold my hair up" excuse each time because I thought they were pretty.
14. When I was little, I played in the sandbox with a truck and another boy. One day, he made me mad so I dumped a bucket full of sand on top of his head. My mom made me apologize. But I didn't mean it.
15. In 6th grade, I was obsessed with polka-dots. I even had black and white polka-dot ballet flats that I constantly wore. Ew.
16. I love it when people gift me with presents such as a scrapbook that they made, or something touching and meaningful.
17. Smacking and chapping on gum annoys me to no end.
18. At times, I wish I had a photographic memory.
19. I never dress up on Halloween. I honestly do not remember the last time I dressed up...
20. I wish Fayetteville had a Founder's Day Festival like they did on the season 1 finale of Pretty Little Liars. Minus the clowns, of course. That was seriously creepy.
21. I make a list of things-to-do every single day and post it on my planner. At times, I’ll even add something I’ve already done just so I can cross it off.
22. I didn't even need braces but I got them anyway because I wanted a retainer like everyone else.
23. I do not put up with rudeness or boastful people. I don't understand why you can't be yourself instead of trying to make everyone like you. {preach!} hehe.
24. I once fell off a horse at a horse camp one summer. Not only was it embarrassing, but I had back pain for that entire week. Life lesson: do not ride a horse without the saddle because you didn't know how to put it on and you were too lazy to ask.
25. I nearly caught a woman's hair on fire at a church funeral service because I was passing a candle to my friend beside me and we were both giggling amongst ourselves and before I knew it, the woman's hair in front of me aroused with smoke but I blew on it hoping she didn't notice the ends of her hair frying. Shame, shame.

Oh, my life is full of surprises. Do you agree?

{a special shout-out to my dear friend who is one of my favored supporters of my blog. I love her with all my heart.}
Have a fabulous weekend!
xo Grace


All Good Things Must Come to an End


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