How Flantastic

My weekend consisted of last minute cramming and studying for the long final exam week ahead. As much as I love blogging, even that had to be put aside for the big textbooks and notes that I'm been skimming through for review. I already know as of now that I'm going to dread this upcoming week. As much as I'd like to get the exams over with, I really don't want to go through with it. The only thing keeping me from stressing out? After I take these exams, it's over. No more...until May, that is.
I get my highlights done every Christmas time. This year, I was a little late due to my mom who just arrived back home from Korea on Friday. With my sister home from college, we wanted to make something yummy for the family before she left.
It's simple, easy and yet so rich and creamy. It's been super long since I've made flan so I certainly wasn't the expert. It's nice to know that I can make flan that actually looks like flan and tastes like flan. Or I'm hoping that's how it's supposed to look like. But it didn't turn out as badly as I thought it would.
 The end results were quite similar to this one. Everyone went right on to eating as soon as it was cold enough so I never got to take a picture of it. One thing's for sure... it was satisfying to know it was that delicious!
bouquet of roses on my kitchen counter

Elements of Elegance


It's a Little Rooomy in Here