Elements of Elegance

With all the excitement of the last two snow days, I've spent my days out in the snow with friends and family. It felt like Christmas break all over again as the marshmallows, mugs and hot chocolate packets were fetched out of the pantry. I've spent more time blogging than normal, that is indeed a fact, but I have also been focusing more on my studies lately. I'm not sure if it's the exams coming up or if it's just me finally realizing where my attention should be focused. Missing two days of school is great. Three is even better, since I just heard news that school is cancelled tomorrow too. Except every time I think of it, Spring Break reminds me of the shorter days we'll have because of the snow. Honestly, I don't mind a two-hour delay, as long as we don't have to make-up the school days, you know? As I spend a lot of time at home, (because of the icy roads and the snow!) I've been packing for the winter retreat in Tennessee with my church youth group this weekend (I know it's going to be so much fun) and re-organizing my closet so that it's easier to pick out my outfits. My nights have consisted of watching re-runs of Gossip Girl and Laguna Beach while sipping on hot soup. I keep a vanilla bean candle set on the side of my desk that constantly gives off an aroma of vanilla every time I walk in my bedroom :)
We were told to be creative in Apparel Design class. Me and two classmates of mine went straight to work on a Summer in Paris theme.

Ice Ice Baby


How Flantastic