Merry Christmas

 Today is the day.
I woke up early this morning (a little too early in my opinion) to my brother's request. I'm almost certain that he woke the whole house up by running upstairs and downstairs just so he could open his presents. I slept late last night so I definitely wasn't in the happiest mood.
But after getting a hot steamy mug of hot chocolate from the kitchen, I'm certainly in the Christmas spirit as of now and the repeats of Christmas songs replaying around my house don't bother me at all. It's already been a good morning and I'm almost certain that I'm planning on having the best Christmas ever. Baking cookies, listening to Christmas carols, drinking hot chocolate, opening presents, spending time with the family... gotta love Christmas :)
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Merry Christmas!

I went walking in a winter wonderland. . .


Tis' the season