I went walking in a winter wonderland. . .

My wonderful day consisted of drinking hot chocolate while playing out in the snow for hours until my fingers and toes froze. Eventually I had to come inside for certain breaks but I wasn't going to stay in too long. We had snowball fights, made snow angels, and even created Pierre (our french snowman). That's right. I would make a French snowman. Moustache included...
Seulement je le ferais ;)
French for... only I would.

 Pierre the french snowman :)
Hot chocolate with marshmallow breaks in between.
It's honestly never snowed this much in Fayetteville, which is why this is all still a shock to me. And even if it did snow, it would stop in the next hour or so. But not this year :)
As 2010 draws to a end, I spent the rest of the day jotting down some New Year's resolutions. And as I did, I couldn't help but think about how fast 2010 flew by. I'm not the least sad that this year is coming to its end. I just can't wait for what 2011's going to bring. One thing I'd agree with anyone on? Time seriously flies...

Style with a Smile


Merry Christmas