What I Wore Wednesday is a link-up curated by Jenna, Brenna, and Grace. The idea of this link-up is to create a place for other bloggers to come together and share their posts with us and meet new blog friends. The link-ups are aimed towards your favorite outfit posts that you want to share! The WIWW link-ups will be open every Wednesdays, so please come back weekly to link-up with us!

How To Link-Up:
1. We ask that you please follow the hosts: Jenna from Visions of Vogue on BlogLovin', Grace from Gracefullee Made on BlogLovin', and Brenna from Chic Street Style on BlogLovin'
2. Feel free to use the link-up badge button on Grace, Jenna's, or Brenna's side bar or link back to the link-up on your blog.
3. Please check out the other link-ups and leave a comment or two! ;) make some new blogger friends!

Gracefullee Made

Twenty One-derful Years


21st Birthday Shoot Sneak Peek + Video