New Chapter, New Challenges

I'm a firm believer that with every chapter we go through in life, hardship and challenges arise.

A few weeks ago, I made an announcement in my video on Instagram (here).
I knew it wasn't going to be easy right off the bat. 

After quitting my full-time job to pursue freelancing, I've been struggling to find a balance for myself. For personal, professional, and mental reasons. This blog post came about as I was reflecting back from the day I left to where I am currently now. 

Whenever my mind goes into this mode where I feel "stuck" again, I take a step back and try to view the situation from a different perspective. There's a couple of things that I can easily point out in my situation:

I lost a stable and secure stream of income. 
I gained the opportunity to bring in more streams of income.

I lost daily face-to-face interaction with co-workers who I respect and love.
I gained the opportunity to seek new people to work with... daily, weekly, and on my own time.

I lost having a routine office job and commute that disciplined me to wake up at the same time every day.
I gained my own freedom with my own schedule... with no necessary commute needed.

My biggest takeaway is my freedom.
I've been able to really focus on my priorities and what I want to pursue as a career. 

What helps in these moments is to look back and remember the state I used to be in. It was tough to juggle my personal brand and a full-time career -- I remember distinct days and weeks where I was sleep-deprived, barely eating, and barely functioning due to stress and feeling lost. Instead of focusing so heavily on the fear of what could happen on this career path, I've been appreciating the good in all of this. 

I have always been a morning person since high school.
I function better first thing in the morning, and working out has always been something I prioritize. 
Now with my own schedule, I have the ability to work out at the gym in the mornings prior to starting my day. That is something I am truly grateful for. 

Sure, at the end of the day, I am working more hours than I would for a regular 9-5, but I prefer it be this way.

That's where I've been able to find a middle ground with my personal life and work life.
The moments that remind me constantly how happy I am. 

There are days where I'm still working past 9pm. 11pm, even.
But even then, my attitude and mood doesn't change. In fact, I work way more diligently because it's on my own time. It's my own doing, it's my own schedule. This is my management style and this is how I operate best.

I think it really comes down to finding what works best for you.
Finding how you operate, how you work, and going for it. 

Maybe you're going through a similar situation.
You're trying to find something you are passionate about, a different path you want to try but you're hesitant. Or maybe you're trying to find a balance in your life too.

Even if you're feeling stuck in where you are or you're trying to figure out your next steps in any aspect of life, I think that the fact you're feeling this way aka your current situation is giving you a chance to re-evaluate what you truly want.
You are able to truly gauge that and recognize that, when you put yourself in situations that are uncomfortable, don't suit you, and help you realize that this isn't for you.

When you learn to appreciate the good...
the good gets better.

Wearing: blazer dress  | boots (old) similar here + here (I also own this pair here) | 
hat (similar here + here) | sunglasses


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INSPO: Valentine's Day Looks