The Truth About Post-Holiday Pressure

The aftermath of New Years.

Usually after the ball drops, celebration ensues.

A new year equals a new, clean slate. A new year to make things right. Something I've found exciting about the start of a brand new year. There's this drive that makes you feel invincible. The motivation to achieve what's next for your path feels stronger. You've reflected on your past achievements, past failures, you're ready to take on this new year just like everyone else... and yet something still feels off in the aftermath. 

There's a lot of commotion around the holiday season -- it's a time period of abundance and joy. It carries the notion of being the most wonderful time of the year. The holiday season was a wave of vacations and celebrations and spending that time with family and loved ones.

I value goal setting and making resolutions. I don't mean this in a way where we shouldn't set goals because we always should. It's what motivates us, allows us to grow, and helps us learn from our experiences.

However, something that isn't as talked about is how we get so wrapped up with watching and seeing other people's goals and resolutions on social media, that we feel like our goals and our resolutions aren't good enough. It's like playing the comparison game. We want that motivational push, but if there isn't a balance... it could do more harm than good.

There’s this pressure to “be the best you,” to “be better” this year. 
Maybe it’s the idea, that notion that we are truly starting over
Some of us fear change, a disruption to a schedule we are comfortable with. 

Like the holidays, everything went by in a blur. Jumping from Thanksgiving to Christmas and straight into the New Year. 

I discussed this feeling and this sort of pressure with a girlfriend of mine recently and we both agreed how “difficult” it felt to keep up with being on top of it with the happiness, goals, and everything else in between since the holidays, and thus... resulting in some sort of post-holiday pressure.

I wanted to open it up to discussion and hear your thoughts.

Have you felt this sort of pressure?
Or felt like you were playing this comparison game with someone else's goals?

I'd love to hear your tips on how you deal with pressure 😊

Photography by Madison Lane Photography

Wearing: green blazer  (use code: Q4leemade15 for 15% OFF your order) | faux leather leggings ℅ | boots ℅ |  necklace ℅ | black turtleneckCeline sunglasses (similar here) |


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