Walking Into A New Month

Something feels different.

This new month has made me question a lot of things.
1) how do I want to finish out 2019?
2) am I becoming the person I want to meet?
3) am I growing closer or further away from God?
4) am I seeking happiness in a person, a job, a career or a lifestyle?

I've said this many times before on my blog, but there's something so refreshing about the start of a new month. I know people do New Years resolutions every year, but I tend to see things on a month to month basis. 

Yesterday's temperature dipped a little lower than usual, and as I was walking home from the gym (give or take 50 streets), I could literally feel Fall in the air. The crisp wind, the subtle leaves on the ground, the pumpkins outside food markets, apartments... things are slowly and surely transitioning into the best season of all. 

This month, I want to really focus on the things I mentioned above. 
Even though we all go through difficult seasons in life, I've felt that I've been dealing with a lot of it internally, as a lot of changes keep happening in my life. 

What are you focusing on this month?

Speaking of changes, I just launched my SOCIAL MEDIA series on my podcast On The Grow.
I really hope you love this one! 

Available to stream and download on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and FOLLOW on whatever platform you're listening on :)

Wearing: velvet sheer top (use code Q4leemade15 for 15% OFF any purchase -- expires 12/31) | metallic jacket (old) | black boots (favorite pair) | black denim skirt (old) but similar here | sunglasses (old) but similar here


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Thank you to SheIn for partnering on this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

9TH BLOGIVERSARY // What I Learned in Year 2 Living in NYC


New Chapter: On The Grow