5 WAYS To Manage A Busy Lifestyle

The secret I've learned about handling a busy lifestyle is balance.

I try and prioritize working out, spending quality time with friends, making time to chat with my family at least once a week, producing content for my blog, managing my job, getting sleep...
and I'm not going to lie, it can be very overwhelming at times. 

There are moments when I do need to pause, sit back, and realize that no, I cannot handle all of it at once. Over the years, I've been able to understand what it is that I can and cannot handle. Putting yourself in those situations and learning from them is one of the best ways of approaching how you want to manage your time. 

Today, I wanted to share 5 WAYS I manage my time with a busy lifestyle.

1. Write it down.
I carry around a calendar / planner with me more often than not.
I usually like to hand write my to-do lists (somehow more satisfying that way) and find that it's been helpful to keep track of everything I need to do.
Even if you are someone who thinks they can mentally keep track of what it is you need to accomplish, I recommend writing it down and keeping it in a note on your phone. It helps ease your mind in some ways, and makes room for other things that you need to focus on.

2. Prioritize
Make sure you prioritize what's important. For me, I set goals to workout at least 3x a week. At least. For example: I remember running every single day in college, and how exhausted my body felt throughout the week. I realized that I need to find balance in my workouts, so I decided to stick to a routine and it definitely helped.

Focus on things you want to accomplish in the week, and then grow from there. Week by week, and then month by month, and think of it as a checklist.

3. Understand and accept that stress and frustrations are a part of your lifestyle.
I like to push myself constantly. I'm the kind of person who is always looking to grow, be better, and also learn in the process. Whether it's my career, my fitness routine, my health, or even friendships or relationships that I have, I know there's always room for improvement.

Accepting that you will be stressed and frustrated with a busy lifestyle is actually healthier in the long run. We're not perfect. We're bound to fall down, mess up, make mistakes... but as long as we can pick ourselves up, accept that life is a challenge in itself, and keep moving forward... things have an interesting way of working out. 

4. Be consistent.
Being comfortable and being consistent are two different things that I want to emphasize. I don't like the idea of being comfortable with where I'm at in life. Being consistent, however, can mean that you can be consistent with improvement. As long as you're pushing to grow and learn in your career, relationship, or friendship, you are being consistent with growth. 

Pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone is something that helps motivate me to stay focused. Knowing that I'm not fully at my peak gives me the idea that I can reach it as I keep going. 

5. Listen to your body.
Last but not least, I'm guilty of this, but for us to maintain a busy lifestyle... we need to listen to our bodies and take care of it. There are times when I feel like I can take it on. Anything and everything.
Back in college, I used to go days without sleeping or eating as much, and little did I know, my body was dying on me. It lacked nutrients and the proper sleep, and it really took a toll on me.

It's so important to get sleep when our bodies need it. And to eat the right nutrients. Otherwise, it'll be harder to maintain a busy lifestyle and be able to focus on what it is you need to get done.

I hope these tips helped! 
What are some tips that you use to help you manage your lifestyle?
I'd love to hear them!

Wearing: poncho coat | denim (old, but similar here) | black balloon-sleeve top | white bootiesred gloves | hat | aviator sunglasses (similar here) |


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Thank you to SheIn for partnering on this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

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