It’s crazy to believe that I’m almost hitting the one-year mark since I’ve moved to New York City.
Moving to a new city. Living alone. Post-college. Facing the real world.
Sounds daunting… doesn’t it?
This time last year… I was in one of the scariest and toughest situations of my life: I had no idea where I’d be or what I’d be doing after college.
However, I’m a firm believer that timing is everything. And if you’re patient enough, the right people and the right opportunities will present itself in time. Today, I’m answering a requested blog post on the truth behind living alone in NYC and 5 THINGS I’ve learned (and am still learning) from it.
Not that I wasn’t when I was in college at UNC-Chapel Hill... but in NYC, where everyone is hustling in the City that truly never sleeps, a lot can happen. I’m not saying that everywhere you go isn’t safe, but you should definitely be alert to anything and everything around you. This goes for the location, the people, and/or just a situation that may not seem like much at the time. A good friend of mine likes to remind me every now and then how a week here in the City can feel like a month. That’s how fast-paced the NYC life is. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. If anything, this City is one of the biggest motivators.
Safety is something I am aware of and take precautions in. However, I’m also independent as a person to travel places by myself. It might be scary for some to venture on the subway late at night, but you know your own limits on what you think is best for you, and you need to judge those situations as they come about. For instance, I try to stay away from the subway after certain hours at night because I don’t feel comfortable doing so. In those scenarios, I’ll take an Uber home.
This one has been something that used to frustrate me when I first moved here. It frustrated me when I would show up for a bus or a subway, and it would either get delayed, not show up, or there would be some sort of construction that prevented me from getting to my destination. In North Carolina, I was so used to driving my car to all my destinations, and being on time was easy because you only relied on yourself to get there. Maybe it’s the perfectionist inside me, but I found myself not wanting to make plans just because it was too much effort to plan ahead my commute, and allow extra time in case something were to happen. Living so far away from the subway and the City helped me manage my time even more. I needed to be here at this time, so I needed to get this done because knowing me, I would either get too tired when I got back home. The little things. I learned a lot of what I can and cannot handle, which is crucial when you’re living in a new city by yourself.
Which brings me to my next point...

This applies to people, myself, and every situation I’ve come across. Living by yourself allows you to experiment in many ways. I’ve come across people here in the City that have been difficult to work with or be around. I’m a firm believer that in order to keep thriving and growing in the right direction, it’s crucial to surround yourself with the right people. If you’re constantly surrounded by negativity and bitterness, it’s more likely for it to affect you. I for starters, know there are people or things that I no longer tolerate...
And I have NYC to thank for that.
The first few months of living alone was not what I expected. I truly value my alone time and figured it wouldn’t be any different than it was in college. I’m used to doing a lot of things myself and enjoying my own company, but in a place like NYC... attending parties and any social events is more fun with company. But not just with any company — the right company. Finding the right people in the City is harder than you think. It takes time to truly get to know someone and opening up to them.
NYC, of all places, is probably one of the best places to learn this. Not saying it’s EASY, but in the sense that living in a place where a salad is over $10 and just a smoothie itself can be $8-10, you really learn how to spend money wisely.
It’s been tough for me, I’m not going to lie, because coming out of college… I wasn't used to this. I’ve learned how to be financially independent. Even though I’m still learning and figuring this certain area as I go, I’ve noticed a couple of things: I've stopped going to Starbucks and buying a latte frequently. I used to do that all the time in college and noticed how much I’ve been saving just by making my own coffee. Speaking of… if you follow me on Instagram Stories, I’ve mentioned a couple of times that I barely even drink coffee anymore. I’ve switched to matcha oat milk lattes. My go-to. With it, I feel more energized. Even when I do order a coffee, I’ve noticed that my hands get shaky and jittery.
I order my matcha latte mix and oat milk on Thrive Market — another great way to budget on groceries in NYC. Thrive Market is an online delivery service with prices almost cut in half of food and other supplies than what you’ll find in grocery stores here in the City. I’ve been a member for a couple of months now and I try to order in bulk whenever I’m not traveling.
Here's a 25% OFF your first order code if any of you are interested in trying it out:
*This is not sponsored in any way — I genuinely love this service.
I've experienced and learned a lot about myself just by living alone in New York City.
This place has so many people and opportunities to offer, and partaking in all of it has been a dream. It also hasn't been easy.
But what's most important is learning through each experience and gaining something out of it.
I hope this was helpful for anyone either wanting to move to New York City or any city after college. It's worth it.