How To Be A Morning Person: 4 Tips

For some of us, mornings are not our friend.

That dreading moment when your alarm goes off in the mornings and the most logical option (at the moment), is hitting the snooze button. 
However, over the years, I've become more and more of a morning person. I've developed a system that helps me enjoy waking up earlier. I prefer to wake up early to knock out as much as possible before noon. Even though I shared my morning routine here, there are a few things that I do in order to not hit the snooze button the next morning. 

1. Turn on night shift mode (if you have an iPhone) at least a couple of hours before bedtime.
This setting is on the iPhone where the screen adjusts the display and turns a yellow-ish dim color to help adjust your eyes and help you sleep better. Mine turns on at 10 PM -- you can set it at any time. Not only does this remind me it's almost time for bed, but the light suppresses melatonin, which is a hormone that tells your body it's time to sleep. 

#2. Eat less at night before bed and wake up hungry.
I've been actually doing IF (intermittent fasting) for a couple of weeks now, where I'll fast until 11 AM, but in the past, I've noticed that I would wake up earlier because I was hungry. This is a good "morning motivator," for those who are usually hungry in the mornings. Breakfast food is always my favorite, so it really did motivate me! 

#3. Check emails / get work done before the afternoon.
I've noticed that when I put off important emails or work, I tend to forget to do it or not want to do it later in the day. Reminding yourself that you have important tasks in the morning is another great way to be a morning person. 

#4. Exercise in the morning.
I prefer to exercise on an empty stomach every morning because I've always loved the post-feeling of a tough workout before starting the day. Knowing that you'll be exercising in the morning can also give you that motivation to get up earlier. For instance, signing up for an exercise class means you have to show up

I hope these tips helped!
Are you a morning person? If so, how do you motivate yourself in the mornings?

Wearing: top ℅ | pants (old, similar here) | watch ℅ white sunglasses ℅ straw bag  | shoes (my favorite pair for spring/summer!) | earrings  | straw hat (old, but very similar here) | sunglasses


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