5 Ways to Make Mondays Better

If you're having one of those Mondays where you wish the day would end already and it's only 10 AM... 
this post is for you.

I think we can all admit that we've had Mondays that have been tough. You find yourself turning off your alarm, dreading the moment when you're slowly climbing out of bed, tearing up that you have to work or go to class or whatever your Monday schedule may be... and just like that, your Monday is already off to a terrible start. 

Been there, done that. 
However, I try to think of Mondays as a fresh start to a new week. There will be days when you dread it, but it all comes down to how you choose to view it. It's all about perspective. You can either run the day or... let the day run you. Your choice.

Today, I'm sharing 5 WAYS to make your Mondays better.

P.S. This tunic that I'm styling as a dress runs a little short. I would recommend wearing it with pants if you're over 5'2"! 

1. Treat yourself -- to a delicious latte or a beverage that makes you happy.
I know that whenever I feel the urge to go for a hot latte, I get excited. It's almost like treating yourself that you were able to get up on a Monday, go to work, and get things done. Starting off the morning with your favorite drink can instantly put you in a better mood. 

2. Listen to music.
Put on your favorite playlist or song. Listening to music usually keeps me occupied when I'm going about my day. 

3. Have some "me time" before you start the day.
Maybe you dread Mondays because you feel so rushed in the mornings. You're all over the place, you wake up with thoughts of what you should be doing the rest of the day or tomorrow, or even next week, and it overwhelms you. Stop. Take time to breathe and use this time to focus in a calm state of mind.

Not to spoil the ending but... whatever decision you need to make for next week can wait. You'll be okay. 

4. Read a devotional or motivational book to start your morning.
I mentioned it before in my morning routine post, but I start my mornings reading the First 5 app. Not only does it help clear my mind with everything going on, but it keeps me grounded and motivated. I'm the kind of person who loves reminders. Keep yourself motivated with your own reminders and devotionals that'll keep you going.

5. Write out a to-do list and check it at the end of the day.
Not only is this productive, but it's also the best feeling when you see how accomplished you were with your tasks throughout the day. I know that I love the feeling of crossing something off my to-do list, so why not try it yourself?

Do you have any tips to make your Mondays better?
I'd love to hear them!

Wearing: tunic top worn as a dress  (only 5 left! Also runs short) | Tory Burch shoes (old, similar here + here) | hat ℅ (sold out, but similar here) | watch ℅ | earrings (comes in 7 colors!) sunglasses | bag ℅ 


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Thank you to Chicwish for partnering on this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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