5 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad with EF

In my previous post (here), I mentioned my experience with EF ILC in Paris.
I wanted to share what it's like to study abroad, and everything I've been doing the past two weeks. 

I wanted to emphasize that even though you're in classes, it is possible to still do all the sightseeing in Paris. Studying abroad doesn't mean you'll be sitting in a classroom all day. At least, not with EF ILC

One of the best things about studying abroad with EF ILC, is that the classes are either in the morning or afternoon, so you don't have the same schedule every day. And depending on your course level, you'll most likely only have up to 3-6 hours of class a day. 

In today's post, I want to share 5 REASONS why you should study abroad with EF ILC.

1. You get the option to live with a host family or in an EF residence.

Again, I mentioned I lived with a host family that I absolutely loved. 
Even though I couldn't speak French, the host family and I were still able to communicate with a little bit of English and a lot of Google Translate. 
All jokes aside... I arrived in Paris with no knowledge of the language and loved living with a host family. 

The daughter of my host family was seriously so cute! She always welcomed me with a 'Bonjour!' whenever I came home from school. 

I had so much fun with their adorable dogs. 

One of my favorite dinners: lentil and carrot soup... with bread, of course.

Since I love to run, I brought my workout gear with me. I asked my host family if they knew a place that was safe for me to run outdoors, and they recommended a running trail right by a river near their home. 

2. You meet so many new friends. 

If you've been keeping up with me on Instagram Stories, you've probably seen me with a lot of new faces. Since new classes start every Monday, you'll be constantly meeting new people (even if you're studying abroad only for two weeks). 
And the best part? You get to travel to all the amazing places in Paris with them. 

I met Yami (from Argentina) and Ella (from Germany) my second week at EF. We decided to go to Disneyland Paris together on my last full day in Paris, and I loved every second of it! 

I also met Fabiana (from Mexico) who graciously offered to be my 'photographer' and took my photos for me while we visited the Louvre Museum. We definitely bonded a lot over the two weeks... and had quite the adventure on our Versailles trip. 

3. You can travel to Disneyland Paris, Amsterdam, Louvre Museum, and more by signing up through the activities in the EF app or online. 

Some of the activities are even discounted tickets, and you don't have to worry about going alone!

Disneyland Paris

Louvre Museum

Amsterdam weekend trip 

4. You get to add a new language to your resume. 

It might even come in handy when you're applying for jobs, or a position that requires you to know the language. Better yet, you might even be able to travel back to the country you studied abroad in!

We were learning occupations in French, and I learned how to say 'blogger.'
Je suis blogueuse. 

Vocabulary class

Grammar class

5. You don't have to be in high school or college to apply for EF.

I met a lot of classmates who were older and from different countries who just wanted to learn the language. And that's okay. You don't have to be a certain age to study abroad. 

I think the main reason why I really loved being a part of EF was because I never had the chance to study abroad in college. All of this was new to me. I wasn't sure what I would be expecting, and I saw it as a challenge. I flew to Paris with a positive mindset, and even though I was very jet-lagged the first few days, I wanted to make the most of it. 

Not to mention, Paris is so beautiful that there were many times where I felt like I was living in a dream. 
Also... I had my fair share of crepes. If you're studying abroad in EF Paris... it's a must.

Thank you for the adventure, EF ILC
Au revoir, Paris! 

Don't forget... 

Use the promo code: GRACEINPARIS for 10% OFF any course! 

Click here for more information on how to get started today.

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This is a sponsored post in partnership with EF ILC and Her Campus Media. All words and opinions are my own. 

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My EF Experience in Paris