5 Ways to Work Through a Creative Rut

Lately, I've been feeling this certain way...

almost stuck.
This week, I've been feeling kind of low. I noticed it at the beginning of the week when I was sleeping in a little later than normal, my head was throbbing and I was constantly sleeping, and I barely had the energy to do anything. Even during one of my morning workouts, I could barely keep up. For those of you who know me, I'm always doing something. Whether it's running errands, working on content for next month, or out and about socializing, I'm not one to 'take a break.'
It got to the point where it was so bad that one morning, I had to sit down and just process what was going on.

Not only that, but my emotions seemed to be all over the place. I would go from extremely sad in the mornings to perky in the afternoon, and vice versa. They were both to extremes too and never in between. I realized that since I wasn't in the middle of creating upcoming content or did not have anything exciting to look forward to, it was affecting my mood and my thoughts on everything.
I was in some sort of rut.

I wanted to kick off the weekend with 5 ways to work through a creative rut. 

It feels infinitely better to sort it out, write it down... and this is to help me, help you, or anyone reading this who needs it.

We all get to a point where we feel like we're in some sort of 'rut.' At times like these, I feel like my inspiration is lacking, my old tactics aren't working, and it's the feeling you get when you're doing everything right... but it's not working.

I came across this line yesterday on Twitter, and it was "just because you mess up sometimes, doesn't mean you've failed."
And just because you feel 'stuck' in a rut does not mean you're a failure, either.

1. Face the problem

What is it that's holding you back or making you feel that way? Addressing the problem is usually a good first start to working through your situation. It may take time to even admit what it is, but facing it will make you feel better instead of just avoiding it.

2. Trace your steps and find what inspired you in the past

I do this a lot. Whenever I'm feeling lost or down, I go to my saved bookmarks or quotes that I have on my phone for inspiration. I'm a huge quotes-kind-of-girl. Pinterest really helps. I even have a board dedicated to {Good Quotes} if you ever need some go-to inspiration. Allow those words to just process in your mind. If it helped you before, it can help you again.

3. Don't think you're alone -- seek help

And by this, I mean reach out to your closest people that care for you. Tell them what you're going through because even if you feel like you can do it yourself, sometimes, you just need another pair of ears or a person to help and be there for you. 
I used to be always stressed in college. I've found that in the past, reaching out to my mom and telling her how I was feeling really helped me. Not only did she change my perspective on the situation, but I felt like I could pick myself up again and keep going.

4. Remind yourself of how far you've come

When you're in that creative rut, you'll feel like nothing is worth it. Your self-esteem is shot down, you're not seeing results, you don't know what else to do, and the excitement feels lost. 
Look back at the past accomplishments and all the amazing content you produced for brands that you were excited to work for. Or that one feature article you were in that you were so proud of.
Little by little, remind yourself that it's worth it to keep going. Even if your mind is telling you to quit. Just remember why you started, and that you will get through this.

5. Get some fresh air

Go outdoors. Go for a walk. Socialize. Get a facial. Get a massage.
All those things require you to walk out your door. 
I also realized that because I was feeling this way, I was trapping myself in my apartment and thoughts were constantly running through my mind. Leaving my apartment was a start. Once I was outdoors, I was reminded that there were greater problems than the ones I was facing. All it took was for me to step outside.

If you're going through a creative rut, or any kind of rut, I hope you know that you're not alone. 
And if these tips helped, or if you want to share your own tips with me, please let me know. 

Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great weekend.

P.S. If you're shooting in New York City, you will get photo-bombed in your photos. It's inevitable. 
Especially in a public setting like Bryant Park's Winter Village. 

 Wearing: faux fur jacket: ℅ SheIn | baker cap: Henri Bendel (sold out, but similar here) | earrings: ℅ Baublebar (old, similar here) | denim: TopShop | bag: ℅ Henri Bendel (ON SALE!) | boots: old, similar here | top: Zara (sold out, similar here) | sunglasses: Céline | belt: Gucci | ring: David Yurman | 


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Thank you to SheIn for partnering on this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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