Twirl-Worthy Moment

One last twirl-worthy moment for UNC.

When I took these photos for my last (final) visit to UNC last Friday, the nostalgia really hit me. There were freshmen running all over the quads, taking photos by the Old Well, and lots of families helping the new students move into their dorms. Not only do I remember all the new faces that I passed on the way to the Pit, but I also remember just how hot and humid it was that day when Natalie and I were out shooting. I'm currently cringing at the thought of how much we sweat that day...

Speaking of my visit, I was back at my alma mater last weekend for an upcoming collaboration with UNC. We wrapped up some fun shooting around campus that weekend, and I cannot wait to share what we have in store in the weeks to come. ;)

Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great weekend.

Wearing: dress: ℅ Chicwish (only 5 left!) | watch: Marc Jacobs | earrings: ℅ Baublebarhat: old, similar here + here | shoes: LuLu*s (old) similar here + here |


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Thank you to Chicwish for partnering on this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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