Gracefullee Travels: Asheville Round-Up

What a memorable weekend.

My family and I headed to Asheville for Memorial Day weekend.
Even though I've been to Asheville a few times, I was even more excited to head back with my family. I probably say this more times than I can even care to remember, but I really look forward to spending time with my family. Since we're all so close, it feels like I'm hanging out with my best friends. We all laugh over the silliest things and honestly, if someone listened to our conversations, nine times of ten, no one would understand what we're talking about. 
I feel like we always have the most fun on spontaneous road trips, like this one, and since we all live such busy lives, it's hard for all of us to come together to do these sorts of trips.
Which is what made it so memorable. 

The funny thing is, it was supposed to rain all weekend in Asheville. I'm so grateful that God blessed us with no rain as we hiked through Rainbow Falls and Chimney Rock. Chances are, we wouldn't have been able to go hiking if it had rained.

Anyone else spend quality time with their families this past weekend?

P.S. I'm catching an early flight and heading somewhere fun tomorrow morning.
Be sure to follow along on Snapchat and Instagram to see where I'm headed!

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