Wishful Weekend Thoughts

I'm going to be completely honest.
I had originally planned to not have anything to post today, but a part of me wanted to.
I got home late from the basketball game last night, (we won by the way - GO HEELS!) and for some reason, felt like sitting on my bed and drafting up a post.

I've had a lot on my mind as of late. 

And by that, I mean little things here and there that just eat at me. I'll find myself sitting at home, or in class, or walking to and from campus thinking about what's to come. How can I prevent certain things from happening? How can I make someone be a part of my life? Do I need to say this, do that, or act a certain way? Or how do I do this in order to achieve that... the list goes on and on. But the thing is...

I can't. I can't control it all. No matter how much you try to plan everything out (#guilty), life throws you a curveball and you can either attempt to dodge it or take it for what it is and accept that whatever happens, happens.

I guess I'm one of those people that has to constantly remind herself in order to stay focused and motivated. And I just needed to see those words again just in time for the weekend.

It's the little things like that that keep me going. 
What keeps you going?

P.S. I've rounded up a few of my latest Instagrams, in case you missed it.
Thanks for reading! Have a great weekend.
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{ coffee date at Jubala Coffee }

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{ this look is coming soon! here }

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{ last night's basketball game // #goheels - here }

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Surprise, Surprise!


15 Valentine's Day Outfit Inspiration