The Right Person Is...

Define the "right person."

Growing up, I always figured that there wasn't a real way you could tell if you met the right person. You just... kinda knew. It was like an instinctive call - the moment felt right, the timing felt right, the words all fell into place, and that was that. Little did I know that I was just watching too many Nicholas Sparks movies and spending a little bit too much time in the fiction section at Barnes and Nobles...

SO. To dive right in...
Significant others, here we go. Blah, blah, blah.
A subject we'd all love to avoid... unless you already have one, that is.
It's not even February yet, AKA Single's Awareness Day (in my book) or most commonly referred to as Valentine's Day, so why bring it up? 

A lot of people I converse with, whether it's catching up with old friends or new friends, and especially this holiday season, always bring up the talk of 'any boys in your life?' 
And when they do, I can't always help but pause.
Not pause because I don't have any, or pause because I have to try and remember the last time I was asked out on a date, but pause because I actually don't think about it. Literally.

As in, I don't spend most of my time thinking about dating boys because I just don't have the time to think about it. I've always been an independent person and if I've learned anything this past year, it's that the timing right now isn't right. With graduation right around the corner, I have a lot on my plate right now. Including... my plans post-graduation, blogging, upcoming collaborations, planning photo-shoots, stressing about school, trying to apply for jobs, and maybe squeezing in some time for friends here and there. 

In other words, it barely crosses my mind.

I'll admit: Sometimes it does. When I'm catching up on TV shows or watching movies, it'll hit me. For a brief moment. And I'll ponder and think about what life would be like with a significant other, but then it goes away, just like the ending of a movie. 
It's not that I'm against it, it's just that I know better.
I've come to the conclusion that I'm forever playing the waiting game.
I just haven't found the right person, is all. I know I've certainly had my fair share of "wrong people," and if anything, they were all wrong for me. Every single one of them.
But you know what? Those wrong people taught me what I look for in the right one.
It taught me what I don't need. It taught me what I can tolerate.

And it taught me what I deserve.

So even though the holidays can be the happiest time of the year, it can also be the most depressing time of the year. And I wanted to kick off this final week before Christmas to really lay it all out.
I hope this serves as a reminder -- for anyone who needed to hear it.
Never settle for anyone less than you deserve. 

Because you're worthy. And there's someone out there that you are worthy enough for.


You can't meet the right person until you meet the wrong ones first.

Wearing: dress: Zaful (similar here) | jacket: ℅ SheIn (on SALE for $26!) | baseball cap: ℅ SheIn | earrings: ℅ Taudrey | lipstick: Revlon's 'Black Cherry' (obsessed!) | sunglasses: Ray Bans | OTK boots: old, similar here |


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Thank you to SheIn for partnering on this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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