Anticipating the New Year...

We're only a few days away from the New Year.

Excited is merely an understatement.
I feel like I've been anticipating the start of a new year since... well, summer.
The start of a new year indicates the year of my graduation, the year of my last semester as a college student, the year where I no longer live with my housemates / college best friends, the year where I may or may not be starting a new chapter of my life post-college... and a year of so many lasts. 
It's also a clean slate. Another year, another chance, to better myself and not make the same mistakes.

It's too early to already be rambling on about this, but it's definitely something that I'll be keeping in mind as 2016 comes to a close.

I have a couple of resolutions and bucket list ideas that I'd like to accomplish in 2017. 
What are some of your New Year resolutions? I'd love to hear them in the comments below :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Wearing: sweater: ℅ Irisie | denim: ℅ One Teaspoon via Planet Blue (similar here) | earrings: BaubleBar | OTK boots: old, similar here | bag: ℅ Henri Bendel (old) similar here |  sunglasses: Céline | watch: Marc Jacobs (ON SALE!) | 


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