5 Apps You Need in NYC

One thing that I wish someone would've told me before living in NYC is...
what apps should I download?!

When I first arrived, I was running around like a lost puppy trying to maneuver the subway lines (and failing miserably) and ending up Uber-ing around. The next week, I tried again.

But this time, I had co-workers and suitemates tell me what apps to download to make life in the City easier. And a couple of you all mentioned that you'd be visiting NYC in the fall, so I thought it would be a fun way to share the apps that I'm currently using. I hope this helps! And as always, if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an email or comment below. I definitely read all the comments and reply back :)

1. Postmates or Seamless
These are both food delivery services that are available through mobile apps or even online. I personally like Seamless because you can choose when you want it delivered and if you're in a rush, you can choose the fastest delivery option and see what's available. They're both really great services and I didn't realize what kind of restaurants were in the area until I saw the menus. These two delivery services are really great when you're held up in a meeting or in the office and you can't step out. Or, if you're lazy and just don't want to walk around anywhere. Ha!

Honestly? I haven't used this car service before, but I'm going to the next time I'm out and about in NYC at night. My friends that recommended it have said it's better than Uber because there's no surge charges and you can pretty much GETT (get it? Haha) anywhere in Manhattan for up to 30 minutes and 4 miles. How nice is that??

3. Transit
This is the app I use to get to my work and home places via subway. I tried a couple of other subway apps, but this one seemed to be the one I always liked using. You just enter the address of the destination you're headed to, and it shows you a few options of subways you can take, as well as the times for when they are leaving. I like that it shows connecting lines, in case you miss your subway or want to get on a faster one. 
4. Cups
For all you coffee lovers out there, this app is for you. It's hard finding the best coffee shops because there's so many in the City. With this app, you can find new favorites and enjoy coffee and pay through your phone. Not to mention... your first drink is FREE.

5. MiniBar
I haven't used this app (yet), but for those who are 21+, you can get wine, beer, and liquor delivered to your door under an hour. Boom

Know of any more apps that I haven't mentioned??
I'd love to hear them!

Thanks for stopping by!
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