My Summer Plans...

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To start off, I'm a perfectionist.
I like things a certain way, I'm picky, I know what needs to be done to achieve my goals, and I like to know what I'm doing far in advance.
This might be a longer post than normal, but I do hope you'll read all of it because I do have a point to make at the end.

I was set on interning in NY this summer ever since December. 
I was so determined to be in the City, that I was already perusing through NYC housing to check the housing application date. I remember being on winter break and just waking up every day at home, visualizing my life in NYC interning somewhere. It was so overwhelming to the point where I started applying to way more internships than I can care to remember, and freaking out about housing, living costs, etc.

Stressed was an understatement. 
And that was five months ago. It's April, and even up until last week, I wasn't fully sure what I was going to do, and summer was a month away.

Long story short, I realized that I was trying so hard to figure out my plans by myself, that I forgot that God already has a plan for me. And going back on everything, it was no wonder why I was struggling so much. I was relying on myself, and not Him. What's so interesting about my situation is that He's closed many doors. Some that I've felt torn about and some that just made me want to give up. But through it all, I remained patient. I realized that yes, he may have closed those doors, but only to open the right ones at the right time. 

And even though it's been a rocky patch with housing, He's replenished me with financial needs in the most mysterious ways--which I could not be more thankful for--and has blessed me with not just one opportunity, but a couple opportunities that I will be a part of this summer.

With that being said, I'm excited to start a new journey this summer working as a...
social media intern for Rebecca Minkoff,  a jewelry PR intern for Lele Sadoughi, 
and a fashion PR /marketing / social media intern for Juliette Longuet. 

See you real soon, NYC.

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Sidenote: for those of you asking to share how I managed to get the photos in yesterday's post without a photographer, here's what happened...

I had originally planned to meet my photographer to shoot at the rainbow wall that day. It was all planned, but then there was some miscommunication and somehow the photographer couldn't shoot me. And then the next thing I know, I'm in panic-mode and calling my friend Lonnie and other friends I know in the area if they're available. I usually freak out about stuff like this. But Lonnie convinced me to just go ahead and go to the rainbow wall and ask someone walking by to shoot a few photos for me. 

For starters, I hate that. Mainly because strangers don't know your angles, what kind of shots you want, and sometimes don't even know how to use a camera. 

But I went anyway. You probably saw on my Snapchat how excited I was that day. I managed to ask three people at different times to snap 1-4 photos each. Some close-up, some far away, etc. I probably used the words 'I'm so sorry' and 'seriously thank you' a billion times each. Hah!

I ended up staying in the area for an hour though, but left happy because the photos actually turned out great! But I'm never doing that again. Ever.
Thanks for reading! I know today's post was a novel, haha.

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Sunset in West Village
