Spring Break in LA // Travels Round-Up (Part 2)

The Monday coming back from Spring Break is always the worst transition.
It's hard getting back to reality after vacationing for a week. There are certain parts of the day when I'm looking back at my travel photos and then forcing myself to pay attention in classes and then planning out the next coffee stop during the day... just your average back-to-reality mindset.

I'm finally wrapping up the last of my travel snaps in California today.
I'm going to give you a fair warning: there's lots and lots of palm trees in this round-up.

Thanks again for following along!
I know I tend to go a little picture-heavy when it comes to traveling. Ha.

I'm no Los Angeles expert, but if you have any questions on where I went and what I did, feel free to comment below or shoot me an email! I'd be happy to answer any and recommend places as well :)

{ Outfit: chambray babydoll dress + statement necklace }

{ First stop of the day: Urth Caffé }

{ I've seen Urth Caffé all over Instagram and really wanted to try it. They make all sorts of latte art. 
P.S. a few of you guys snapped me on snapchat and told me that I was supposed to try the food there. AH! #nexttimeforsure }

{ Ordered the honey lavender latté. Definitely recommend! I really wanted to try the mocha mint latté, but was afraid to try something new in a new location, you know? }

Urth Caffé wasn't too far from the Santa Monica pier, and the weather was absolutely beautiful, so I decided to walk. Not to mention, the view wasn't too bad... ;) }

{ Wall quote }

{ Ugh, so beautiful. }

{ Santa Monica pier }

{ #hadto }

{ After walking around Santa Monica Beach, it was around lunchtime, so I headed to Misfit Bar + Grill for brunch. }

Ashley recommended the avocado toast, so obviously I had to order it! 
*insert hair flip emoji here* }

{ Best. avocado. toast. EVER. If you're ever in Santa Monica, GO get the avocado toast at Misfit. }

{ After, I did a little shopping around Third Street Promenade, which is like a shopping, dining, and entertainment complex in downtown Santa Monica. }

{ Next stop? Venice Beach. }

{ But of course... before hitting the beach, I had to get the Venice sign. I mean, it only took like 5 tries. HA! }

{ Venice Beach wasn't my favorite place to visit, but I did love the cool wall art. }

{ And this view wasn't too bad... }

{ And this one... }

{ Or this one... }

{ Wait. Last one, I promise. }

{ Fun fact: this took ONE shot. }

{ The next day, Ashley and I woke up at 5 AM to beat the traffic and drive 30 mins to Alfred's Coffee. Crazy much? Maybe. }

Alfred's Coffee is pretty popular on Instagram too. Especially for their 'But first," coffee cups and their neon flashing sign. }

{ Also, loved their white marble tables. }

{ details... top (here) + denim (here) }

{ Then, we headed to the Paul Smith wall on Melrose Ave. }

{ Seriously obsessed with this WALL. }

{ I took my blog photos here, and will be posting this look sometime THIS WEEK. }

{ Monday mantra, am I right... }

{ next stop: Made in LA wall }

{ On the way to downtown LA. }

{ #diditforthegeotag }

{ spent the rest of the morning in the James Jeans showroom. }

{ Absolutely LOVED this look. P.S. she makes me want to buy purple lipstick... }

{ Sidewalk art }

{ Was I really in LA if I don't get a picture with the Colette Miller angel wings? }

{ My first acai bowl ever. And it was so worth the $10. }

{ My first boxing class at Gloveworx. }

{ Spent the afternoon in Gloveworx. } 

{ Definitely need to take boxing classes back at UNC-Chapel Hill. Best workout ever.
Water bottle here }

{ For my last night, we went to The Victorian for food trucks and drinks. }

{ This was vegan key lime ice cream with avocados and coconut cream. SO good. }

{ Last tango in Paris... yum. }

{ distressed denim + sneaks for the flight home }

{ See ya again soon, LA }

Thanks for stopping by!

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Still In LA-LA Land


Spring Break in LA // Travels Round-Up (Part 1)