A Work-In-Progress

I just want to give a shoutout to Hurricane Joaquin for the never-ending two weeks of rain. AKA no blog photos. 
So instead of sharing a new outfit post, I decided to dig up my past fall / winter outfits from last year and share some outfit inspiration for you all. With that being said, I am a firm believer in self-motivation. Whenever I'm feeling uninspired, I like to reflect back to some of my old posts. Not only does it serve as a reminder, but it allows me to look back at the progress I have made.

Speaking of reflecting...
I had one of those 'my-mind-won't-stop-running' weekends.
I think a lot. ALL. THE. TIME.
But this time, it was different. I couldn't do anything else or stay focused, for that matter. This was also kind of hard for me to fathom, since it's midterm week and I already have a lot on my plate as is. We all strive for success in the progression of things. But sometimes, we reach a peak where life is perfect and everything is just the way we want it to be. We start to feel like we're on top of the world.  That's when we lose our eye on the prize.
And then, instead of climbing, life takes a turn and we lose control. We start spiraling downwards. And we question everything.

Instead of continuing my rant, I just want you guys to read this.
You'll realize the struggle is always part of the story. How you respond in these situations is so important. I may have lost my "eye on the prize" because I was trying to do this (blogging) without God. But the truth is, I need him more than ever right now.

What do you do in these types of situations where you feel like you've "lost all motivation"?
I know this was kind of a long rant, especially on a Monday, but if you read all the way through this, thank you so much.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
- Deuteronomy 31:6 

P.S. I decided to revamp my blog this past weekend. It was a last minute decision, and I couldn't be any more happier with the turnout. Hope you guys like it as well!

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Which looks are your favorite?

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Gingham Gal


My FALLosophy