5th Blogiversary

Gracefullee Made turns F-I-V-E today!

I cannot believe it has been five years since I have started blogging.
It has been an incredible journey thus far. It hasn't been the easiest road getting here, but I feel like it was worth it. And hopefully, this journey is far from over. 
I have "met" so many incredible people in the blogosphere and am surrounded by family and friends who support me and want the best for me.

So thank you all for leaving me such kind words and coming back to visit my little space on the Internet. It means a lot to me.

P.S. this dress is ON SALE! How darling are the bows on the sleeves?! I die.

{ last year's blogiversary here. }

Wearing: dress: ℅ Shabby Apple | heels: old, similar here + herelipstick: ℅ Besame's 'Exotic Pink' | monogram necklace: ℅ Moon & Lola | sunglasses: Karen Walker | earrings: old, identical here | 


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The Vest Feeling


Gingham Gal