How To Stay Organized For College with Office Depot

#collegelife = #BUSY.
I mean, let's be real. It's not all just fun and games. 
It's only been a week since I started my third year here at UNC-Chapel Hill, and because I'm actually A) a neat freak and B) a perfectionist and C) my life is always organized and planned out, I really wanted to share my best tips for staying organized in college. This is a great post for those who are just now starting college, or any college student for that matter, who need some advice on staying organized!
I teamed up with Office Depot and Her Campus for their #GearUpForCollege campaign and really, really wanted to put the emphasis on being organized. It's easy to lose track of due dates or office hour meetings, and I do these 5 things to help me stay focused and on track.
Those who are curious on how I handle it all (blogging, social life, and student)...
here it is.

1. A clean desk.
Seriously. This. Helps.
Having a messy, untidy desk is a minor problem, and it is also the least of your worries when your mind is feeling clustered. Start by cleaning up your deskspace in order to have an organized and situated area to begin your work. I like to think of it as a clean slate.

2. Have an agenda.
I do not recall ever surviving any of my school years (middle and high school, first two years of college) without an agenda. If you're not an agenda user, a tip to start using one is to pick out a brand or design that you like. That way, you'll be more inclined to actually use it! 

3. There's nothing I hate more than a bunch of pens and sharpies all laying around on my desk.
It's bothersome. It's cluttering. It's a big NO. 
One way I like to organize my writing utensils is by arranging them in a cute pencil cup. That way, it is convenient for grabs and also makes for a cute desk accessory, no?

Sidenote: this may not apply for some of you college students, but I really wanted a business card holder to contain my blog business cards. Really love the lucite, clear edges on this one.

P.S. who said your tape couldn't be fancy? *insert hairflip emoji here*

The reason that is in all caps is because I want to stress the emphasis on this tip. Due dates, exam dates, actual dates (HA), are all important dates to remember. The best way to keep all of these in mind is to have a calendar and write ALL of the ones you know for now, on it. That way, you can see it visually and add more dates when there's more to be added. Before the school year begins, I like to check out the academic calendar for my school and write down holiday dates and events (football games, etc.) ahead of time. Even final exams... in December. Yeah. Time will fly by so fast, and you won't regret looking those up too!

I find this the best way to be on top of deadlines. 

I also color coordinate with my sharpies. For instance, the green is strictly for festivities or holidays. I use the same color for each class, so it's easier to keep track when I peek up from my desk to check out the calendar.

5. Keep a storage bin / desk tray.
I do admit, I need more of these storage bins because I just ordered my new textbooks for the fall semester and they are just all piling up. But simple bins are a great way to keep your notebooks, binders, books, and Post-It notes (I swear by these!) in. 

Those are just 5 tips I wanted to share with you that I do to help me stay organized.
Do you have any tips? How do you stay organized? I'd love to hear them!
Thanks for stopping by!

items: stapler | scissors | striped pencil cup | desk tray | Post-It notes | business card holder |
post signature

This is a sponsored post in partnership with Office Depot, Inc. and Her Campus Media. 
All words and opinions are my own.

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