Back-To-School List of Reminders...

I've been having trouble sleeping lately. 
When something consumes my mind, I let it toy with me, bother me, make myself overthink it, and then I let it thicken as time progresses. With school only a week away, I have been anxious about what's to come my junior year of college. The perfectionist in me wants this year to top last year's, strive for better academic choices, and encounter new people who will push me to be the best version of myself. So this may not be an outfit post, but I feel like it is just as important and special to me, and I hope this influences any of you reading this.

This is something I wanted to share with you all, because as a blogger I love sharing bits and pieces of my life with you guys. But I essentially made this reminder list for myself as I start school again next week. Mainly to keep my priorities intact and to remind myself of who I am and the person I want to be.

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1. All summer, I have been all over the place. Okay, let me clarify that. Meaning, I have been so busy taking summer classes and focusing on my blog so much that I haven't nearly spent enough time with my friends and family as I should have. With summer coming to a close, I do regret that. I've been so caught up with wanting to grow my blog, grow, grow, grow, fix this, work on my YouTube channel, that I have simply forgotten to live. I haven't watched as many movies as I have wanted to, drank at enough coffee shops in my area... the list is endless. My blog is a priority to me, but I also want to cherish the time I have with people that matter the most.

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2. I used to convince myself that I would be happy if I had a boyfriend. I told myself it was all about "waiting" for that right person when I started college and that the best relationships happened unexpectedly. But as I'm headed into junior year, I realized that we should never base our happiness all on a person. It made me think of all those times I have been by myself and have never been happier. I have come so far without relying on someone else, that I realized having a significant other doesn't define your level of happiness. That is something I want to keep reminding myself this junior year.

I can't say that at times, yes, I do wish I had someone to take me out on a date, but I also know that God has a plan for that special someone in my life, and I'm just waiting... that is all.

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3. I have always seen myself as a risk-taker when it came to fashion. I try new trends, step outside my comfort zone, mix new patterns, etc. So how would this be any different from applying that same theory to my life? You would think that to be any easy task for me, but wrong. 

I don't feel comfortable when I make choices that I don't know the outcome to. It's like watching your favorite movie over and over because you always know how the ending will turn out. Same thing. It scares me, not knowing what's to come ahead or what will happen. That's always something I try my best to change about myself. To see that I am not in control of my life, and that everything happens for a reason.

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4. College is all about the fun and experience. But the main reason I'm here?
To get that diploma. To achieve your dreams and focus on what's ahead down the road. Academics is always first. And fortunately for me, that's always been a priority that I have not strayed from. But it's easy to get lost in all of it when you're surrounded by college students with other intentions, or when you feel like making a "different" option that night instead of studying for your quiz the next morning. It's about finding that right balance. 
Work hard, play hard.

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5. After encountering bad friendships and burning bridges back in the day, this one has really hit close to home. I learned from these mistakes I made and now only feel the need to surround myself with positive people who inspire me and make me feel alive. 

And if you read through all of this, thank you.
Seriously. From the bottom of my heart.

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