The Power of Target

A little sidenote, before you read about my thoughts on Target (below)...
I like to wear my hair up in the summertime because frankly, I've learned through experience that 90 degrees and thick, wavy hair do. NOT. MIX.
High, curly ponytails and statement earrings are my favorite combo when I'm trying to keep things simple. I've been to the pool a couple of times twice, and have gotten fairly tan, for the most part. But then again, I also tan very easily. I've already made plans to lay out by the pool most of next week, but neon pieces and white are two colors that really help contribute to showing off that tan.

Funny story about this scarf.
I was in Target shopping for bathing suits, and in the next aisle, this bright, neon scarf caught my eye. For starters, all of us Target shoppers know for a fact that no one really goes to Target looking for one particular item, and walks out empty-handed. After many attempts that ended up as miserable failures, I've come to the conclusion that Target has that mysterious mind power over us that forces us to grab everything we see on sight, wrestle with the idea that we need it, want it, must have it, because how could anyone ever give up a deal like this?, and my wallet will forgive me eventually, type of mindset. And then, we end up leaving with way more than we expected. Sums it up. And I can rant about Target adventures all day, but I can save those for another blog post. HA.

So yeah. That's my Target theory.

Don't forget to come link-up with us below for #WIWWlinkup !

Wearing: button-down shirt: bought in Korea (similar here + loving this scallop collar one here) | distressed denim: ℅ Shop Impressions Boutique (sold out) but similar here + here | scarf: Target - ONLY $15 (comes in THREE COLORS) | earrings: old, love this one here + here | heels: ℅ AmiClubWear (sold out) but similar here (obsessed with these statement heels) | renegade cluster bracelet: ℅ Stella & Dot | pink lipstick: MAC 'Candy Yum Yum' | monogram necklace: old, similar here | sunglasses: old, similar here |

Congrats to our two features this week:
|| Heather from Forage Fashion || Joanne from Fabulously Average ||

 Instagram Link-Up Requirements:
1. We ask that you please follow the hosts on Instagram: @bygracelee | @elizabetheuna | chicstreetstyle | and use the hashtag #wiwwlinkup when posting on Instagram.

2. We will pick ONE blog from the link-up and ONE Instagram post from #wiwwlinkup to feature on the link-up every week, so be sure to let your friends know! We will also contact you if you are featured!

Gracefullee Made

Thanks for linking up with us!


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I Totes Agree


It's All White