NC SBS Meet-Up Recap

I attended the NC SBS Meet-Up at Kendra Scott - Southpoint in Durham two weeks ago.
Last year's meet-up was so much fun and I couldn't wait to reunite with my NC blogger gal pals / meet new ones. I was particularly excited to meet Courtney from The Dainty Darling because we've been virtual friends for so long, and I couldn't wait to finally meet her IRL. After an entire night of swooning over KS jewels, sipping on cocktails (maybe even double-fisting), and talking about blogging, I have to say that Courtney and I are pretty much the same person and I love how well we instantly connected!

You probably saw some funny moments over on my snapchat that night. Ha. 
{ bygracelee }

P.S. I'll be posting my look from the event soon! I'm currently in the middle of finals week, so please bear with me for the next few days!

On another note, if you haven't seen me rant about it on Twitter yet, my phone is currently broken.
I'm trying to stay positive about it and see if as a good thing so it won't be distracting me during finals week. #currentlywantingtobangmyheadagainstthewall #STRESS

If you want to know more about Southern Blog Society OR if you're not a member yet, feel free to join here.

Corbin from Classy South Blog | Courtney from The Dainty Darling 

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All photos by Em Grey Photography

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